Omaha Azure User Group Meeting – July’2021 – 1

The first bi-weekly meeting for the month of July’2021 took place on July 7th’ 2021 starting at 6 PM CT. It was an online event. Topic: Getting Started with Azure Kubernetes ServiceThe session is about how to use AKS for Containerized workloads. We will cover the basics of Kubernetes Service covering a few K8s terminologies … Read more

Omaha Azure User Group Meeting – June’2021-2

The second bi-weekly meeting for the month of June’2021 took place on June 16th, starting at 6 PM CT. It was an online event. Topic: Multi-Stage YAML Pipelines in Azure DevOpsWith Microsoft migrating away from the Classic Build and Release Process and replacing that with the Pipeline Experience one can be left with where to … Read more

Omaha Azure User Group Meeting – May’2021 – 2

The second bi-weekly meeting for the month of May’2021 took place on May 19th starting at 6 PM CST. It was an online event. Topic: Get Smart with Azure Cognitive ServicesIntegrating artificial intelligence (AI) into your applications is much more within reach than you might think. In this practical, open-format learning workshop Microsoft MVP Tim Warner familiarizes … Read more

Omaha Azure User Group Meeting – April’2021 – 2

The second bi-weekly meeting for the month of April’2021 took place on Wednesday, April 21st starting at 6 PM CST. It was an online event. Topic: An Overview of Azure VMware SolutionJoin Shannon for an overview of Microsoft’s next evolution of Azure VMware Solution (AVS). AVS is a first party service offered on bare metal hosts in Azure. This … Read more

Global Azure – Azure Durable Functions

Omaha Azure User Group participated in Global Azure ( on April 17th and hosted a presentation on Azure Durable Functions. It was an online event. Topic: Writing stateful functions in the serverless environment using Azure Durable FunctionsAzure Functions offer a serverless solution to run your code in the cloud without having to worry about the … Read more

Omaha Azure User Group Meeting – April’2021 – 1

The first bi-weekly meeting for the month of April’2021 took place on Wednesday, April 7th starting at 6 PM CST. It was an online event. Topic: Azure SQL Database-Business Continuity During DisasterAzure SQL Database is a relational database-as-a-service (DBaaS) based on the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine’s latest version. You can build data-driven applications and … Read more